EFT enthusiast in NC/SC? Interested in meeting other EFT enthusiasts and co-learning?
Join the virtual monthly EFT study and fellowship group hosted by North Carolina Therapy Professionals! It’s free, no commitment, and low threshold to enter. We ask that either you have had some formal training in EFT (i.e. Externship, EFIT, EFFT, ATIP) or read the first chapter or Attachment Theory In Practice or The Practice of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy: Creating Connections or another EFT primer book such as Stepping Into EFT by Lorrie Brubacher.
We meet the first Friday of every month from 2-3pm to watch a segment of a training video, break out into randomly assigned small groups, network, and discuss our reactions to the month’s assigned reading and the video.
Still interested? Email James McCracken (he/him/his) at james@nctherapists.com with the subject line “Invite Me To Study EFT!” and he’ll send you the invite through Google Calendar.