Two Essential EFT Interventions
Shaping new interactions between distressed partners can feel like playing a violin in the middle of a war zone. If you’re going to help your couple clients heal, you have to know what to do when these new interactions start to go wrong.
Fortunately, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) provides us with a clear map to help partners have conversations that redefine a distressed relationship and ensure we’re shaping a more secure bond — the kind of bond we all long for and need. In this free, short video, Dr. Sue Johnson demonstrates two simple EFT techniques that you can immediately use with your clients to make sure that shaping these new, loving conversations goes smoothly.
Creating Relationships that Last: A Conversation with Dr. Sue Johnson
This DVD is a Hold Me Tight conversation with Dr. Sue Johnson about how the new science of love helps us create, nurture, and protect our most precious relationships. Based on scientific studies involving thousands of couples, her focus on establishing secure attachments for couples and families is nothing short of remarkable. Her new book, Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love, sets the new standard for successful relationships. If you are tired of the pop-psychology and personality driven approaches for relationship advice, watch this video for truly helpful, empirically validated information on love and personal connections that will endure.
Watch the Love Sense video where Drs. Sue Johnson and Ed Tronick collaborate to show we need secure emotional connections from the cradle to the grave! The same attachment processes occur between adults as between parent and infant.
Dr. Sue Johnson describes the cutting edge research on changing relationships with EFT as recently published in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy!